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  • 我可以如何在網站付款?How do I pay through this website?
    我們利用第三方支付平台Stripe,接受客戶以信用卡及Alipay(內地版)付款,交易過程經過SSL加密,安全可靠。 The following third-party payment processers are used: Stripe, Oceanpayment, and PayPal, accepting payments from Mastercard, Visa, Alipay, WeChat Pay and PayPal. Payment processes are secured by SSL ciphers.
  • 你們接受送往香港離島或其他偏遠地區的訂單嗎?Do you accept orders that require delivery to Hong Kong’s outlying islands and other remote areas?
    我們接受送往香港,包括離島的訂單,惟沙頭角及其他軍事法定禁區除外。然而,送往離島的訂單,派送時間或會有所延誤。詳情請參閱本網站的《運送及退貨須知》。 Orders that require delivery to any district in Hong Kong except Sha Tau Kok and other military restricted areas. However, delivery to outlying islands may be delayed. For details, kindly refer to our website’s Delivery and Returns Policy.
  • 你們接受海外訂購嗎?Do you accept orders that require overseas delivery?
    除了配送至香港、澳門及內地其他地區,我們亦接受海外訂購,並可運送至全球四十二個國家及地區。當中包括: 美國、加拿大、墨西哥、巴西、法國、比利時、德國、荷蘭、瑞士、盧森堡、英國、愛爾蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙、丹麥、芬蘭、挪威、瑞典、冰島、拉脫維亞、波蘭、奧地利、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亞、塞爾維亞、土耳其、以色列、黎巴嫩、俄羅斯、日本、南韓、澳門、越南、柬埔寨、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、菲律賓、印尼、澳洲、新西蘭及南非 In addition to those that require delivery to Hong Kong, Macau, and areas in mainland China, orders are accepted that require delivery to 42 countries and regions as stated below: USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxemburg, UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Latvia, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Macau, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa
  • 運送一般需要多長時間?How long does the delivery normally take?
    運送至香港及澳門地區,一般需要3至5個工作天,運送到其他國家及地區則一般需時7至14個工作天,詳情請參閱本網站的《運送及退貨須知》。 Delivery to areas in Hong Kong or Macau normally takes 3-5 working days. Delivery to other countries or regions normally takes 7-14 working days. For details, kindly refer to our website’s Delivery and Returns Policy.
  • 我可如何查詢貨品的運送進度?How do I keep track of my order?
    香港及澳門地區,我們選用香港順豐速遞的物流服務,其他國家及地區則選用香港郵政的「易網遞」(e-Express)服務,兩者皆會在投寄後發出貨件查詢碼,讓您查詢貨品的運送進度。 Delivery services to Hong Kong and Macau are provided through SF Express Logistics Company, and those to other countries or regions through e-Express of Hongkong Post. You will receive a track and trace from the service providers.
  • 運費將如何計算?What are the rates of delivery?
    網站會自動因應您所購買的貨品連包裝總重量,計算所需運費。另,現凡消費超過港幣$500,我們將安排免費送貨至香港。詳請參閱本網站的《運送及退貨須知》。 Our website has a calculator for delivery charge based on the overall weight of your order (inclusive of the packaging). Good news is any purchase of over HKD$500 has its delivery charge waived. For details, kindly refer to our website’s Delivery and Returns Policy.
  • 你們會為貨品派送購買保險嗎?Is your delivery insured?
    為保障您的權益,我們會為運送至香港及澳門以外國家及地區的訂單購買保險,賠償額最高為港幣$5000。 Yes. To protect your rights, delivery to countries or regions outside Hong Kong and Macau is insured up to a limit of HKD$5000.
  • 你們接受退貨嗎?Do you accept returns?
    若在收貨日起計的十四日內,遇到以下情況,我們將無條件為您安排退換貨服務,並承擔因退換貨而需額外支付的運費: 1. 收貨時發現貨品出現破損; 2. 收到的貨品與您所訂購的貨品種類或數量不符; 3. 收貨時發現貨品已過期。 如欲了解我們的詳細退貨條款,請參閱本網站的《運送及退貨須知》。 Within 14 days upon receipt of our item, provided the return conditions specified below are met, returns and exchanges will be arranged, with extra delivery charges due to the returns or exchanges to be borne by us: The item is found to be defective upon receipt; The item received is inconsistent with your order in terms of type and/or quantity; The item has expired upon receipt. For details, kindly refer to our website’s Delivery and Returns Policy.
  • 你們會如何運用我的個人資料?How do you use my personal information?
    我們會運用您的個人資料,作以下等多種用途: 1. 網站 運營和維護我們的網站以及通過我們的網站提供的產品和服務。例如使用您的個人信息來滿足您的預訂和購買要求,包括處理付款。 2. 通訊 在符合香港法律情況下,我們會通過電子郵件,亦會透過電話、郵件、在我們的網站發布貼文公告等方式與您聯繫。 3. 客戶支持 與客戶服務查詢和事項有關,例如調查、響應和解決投訴和服務問題。 4. 市場營銷 出於市場營銷和促銷目的,例如制定我們的營銷策略並提供競賽、抽獎或其他促銷活動,以及履行任何相關獎勵或折扣。 5. 研究與開發 基於研究、分析、記錄保存和報告目的;開發和測試新產品、功能和概念的目的;了解我們的客戶群和網站的目的,以及發展和改進我們的網站、產品和服務的目的,我們會亦有機會使用您所提供的個人信息。 6. 安全和調查 我們使用您的信息來維護我們網站的安全,包括驗證您的身份,調查或防止可能的欺詐或其他違反我們使用條款或本隱私聲明的行為及/或與可能損害他人的行為有關的信息。 7. 其他 用於收集時所標示和確定的任何其他目的,或其他徵得您同意的用途。 Your personal information will be used for the purposes below: WebsiteTo operate and maintain our website and the products and services provided through our website. For example, your personal data may be used to fulfill your pre-orders and purchases, including processing of payments. CommunicationWhere permitted by law, to communicate with you by email, phone calls, mail, and by posting notices on our website, among others. Customer SupportTo provide support for inquiries and issues related to customer services, for example, investigating, responding, and resolving complaints and service issues. MarketingTo conduct marketing and promotion, for example, developing marketing strategies and promotional activities such as competition and lucky draws, and fulfilling any relevant rewards or discounts. Research and DevelopmentTo conduct research, analysis, record keeping, and report; development and trial of new products, functions, and concepts; understanding our clientele; development and improvement in our website, products, and services. Security and InvestigationsTo maintain the security of our website, using your personal information in verifying your identity, investigating or preventing possible fraud or any other activity which may violate our Terms of Use or this Privacy Statement and/ or any message related to any activity which may harm others. OthersTo achieve other stated and confirmed purposes upon collection of such personal information, or any other purpose upon your agreement.
  • 我的個人私隱會如何受你們保障?How is my personal privacy protected?
    我們很注重您的個人私隱,並已制定相應的《私隱政策》保障你的權益,詳情請參閱本網站的相關頁面。 Your privacy is our top priority. A corresponding Privacy Policy has been developed to protect your rights. For details, please refer to the relevant page on our website.


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